Affiliate Rewards

Team Nutra LLC
Team Member Compensation Plan
- Our Compensation Plan is based on an affiliate marketing direct sales platform. It is not Multi-Level Marketing or Network Marketing. There is no balancing of legs, breakaways or waiting for spillover from the upline. There are also no games played with infinity bonuses, matching bonuses, etc. Your income will be directly proportionate to the customers you enroll and your personally referred Team Members.
- Compensation Plan is based on personally enrolled customers (Individuals and Businesses) along with customers of personally enrolled Team Member Affiliates.
- There are no downlines to build. Compensation is based on personally enrolled Affiliates and customers. Additionally, rather than having a downline, everyone in the company is part of your Global Team in the 3 Global Bonus Pools.
- MLM and Network Marketing organizations typically die from the bottom to the top, or from the top to the bottom. There is no organization to die since everything is based on personal customers and personally enrolled Affiliate’s customers.
- It is free to join with no yearly or monthly backoffice fees. There are also no kits to purchase.
- Team Nutra LLC does not care what other programs you may be in and will never threaten to terminate you for any reason, other than misrepresentation of the products, compensation plan or selling products on major platforms, such as, Amazon, Ebay, Facebook Marketplace, etc.
- There are no product purchase requirements in order to draw commissions. There are also no ranks to achieve. There are no PV, BV or games played with your compensation. Everything is paid out dollar per dollar with a guaranteed 43% payout of every dollar taken in by Team Nutra LLC.
How Team Members are paid
- You are paid 20% commission on all personally enrolled customers (Individuals and Businesses). This 20% is paid on the actual dollar amount Team Nutra LLC collects from each customer per order. You can enroll an unlimited amount of customers.
- You can refer an unlimited number of free affiliates (Team Members). You will be paid 10% commission on all the customers (Individuals and Businesses) enrolled by your personally referred Affiliates (Team Members).
*These are team commissions and are paid weekly. Commissions are calculated based on all sales for the week ending at midnight on Sunday night. These commissions will be paid on Friday of the following week.
- There is a total payout of 10% of the global sales in the form of 3 Global Bonus Pools. The 1st Global Bonus Pool has 5% of all sales. When you have 20 customers (either retail or wholesale, or any combination thereof) you will earn 1 share in the 1st Global Bonus Pool. Additionally, you will earn 1 share in the 1st Global Bonus Pool for each additional 20 customers that you enroll.You can enroll an unlimited amount of customers. In the 2nd Global Bonus Pool, there is 3% of all global sales. When you have 50 customers, you will earn 1 share of the 2nd Global Bonus Pool. No additional shares can be earned in the 2nd Global Bonus Pool. In the 3rd Global Bonus Pool, there is 2% of all global sales. When you have 100 customers, you will earn 1 share of the 3rd Global Bonus Pool. No additional shares can be earned in the 3rd Global Bonus Pool.
*Global Bonus Commissions are calculated monthly, beginning on the 1st day of each month and ending at midnight on the last day of each month. Global Bonus Pools will be paid on the 15th of each month for the previous month. Qualifications are based on number of customers who actively purchased that month, not on the number of orders purchased that month.
- Team Nutra LLC also reserves 3% of all global sales for promotions and incentives for a total payout of 43% of the money collected from sales of products.
* Team Nutra LLC makes no income claims or guarantees of income.